Monday, April 04, 2011

Warm hearted feeling...

While I was finishing up a bit of Spring cleaning today, the kids were downstairs playing. I was just waiting for someone to come upstairs to tattle. I hear Jakey pounding up the stairs saying "Mom come quick, Jojo needs you NOW!" He grabs my hand and leads me downstairs. Jojo is surrounded by Jenga pieces all lined up in rows. Jakey says "Look what we did together Mom, isn't that cool?!" Jojo pushes the rows down and they all fall like dominoes should.
The smiles and the feeling of their accomplishment made my heart beat with pride and warm feelings. Being a Mom is the best thing in the whole world!


Sassytimes said...

Awe, so cute how they play together! Love siblings!

Robin Walton said...

Being a Mom is the best thing in the world.....forever.