Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Totally Random happenings...

*Both kids brought home excellent report cards. Jojo got all A's (in both LEAP and regular school) and Jakey brought home all P's and 1's. I'm so proud of them both and very thankful that they both enjoy school as much as I did.

*I finally got a group of friends together to join a volleyball league! We start the first Sunday in May and I'm praying that we have some really warm days to start warming up that sand. Can't wait to make memories with my fruits!

*I'm down to only 1 child to watch in the morning because the one little boys' Mom is on maternity leave. It's amazing how much smoother the mornings go. This little boy wasn't bad, he just knew which buttons to push on the other kid to make mornings a bit challenging.

*We are down to only 36 days left of school and I cannot wait for Summer vacation! We don't have anything big planned, just looking forward to the lazy days of summer.

*Jakey started t-ball and he's beyond excited that he gets to play. So far it's a bit hectic having both kids in something and practices on the same day, same times, but with Jason being home it's a bit easier. We had to eat dinner at 4 pm yesterday to squeeze everything in.

*This is Jojo's last week of competition season. I'm sad to see the season end, but I'm also glad for it to end. Jakey will start his games next Saturday and I was really worried that the schedules would clash and I'd have to miss one event. Jojo's last competition is in town and it's a Cheer for the Cure fundraiser, love when the money we pay out for these events go to a good cause.

*We had such a glorious, warm day on Sunday which let me do tons of yard work. I uncovered many Spring bulbs popping up under all the leaves. The back grass is starting to get long, so the grass cutting will begin shortly!!!! It just felt wonderful to have the windows open, the fresh air filling the house, and the warm sun beating on me as I tooled around the yard. The kids enjoyed it immensely! They even got out their bathing suits and had a water gun fight.

*Jojo and I finished her LEAP project (the one that started with foam and was quickly eaten by the spray paint)! We ended up using balsa wood, carving that, painting it, using shish-kabob skewers for the masts, and felt for the sails. It really turned out good and we didn't argue nearly as much as I thought we would. The hormones are starting to rear their head, so I was pretty nervous how we'd manage.

*Jason surprised us on Saturday night by taking us all to see Cirque Dreams, it was AMAZING! I'm so glad my kids are old enough to enjoy something like that. They were both wrapped up in all the show had to offer and behaved themselves very well. We went bowling afterward to let them get rid of some energy. It was a really nice way to end Spring Break.


Lyryn said...

Volleyball! SO FUN! My husband and I have been doing it for the past few months and we just love it! SO FUN!!!

Sassytimes said...

Your kids are so great in school because of you too. You're a great mom.

Sounds like you guys are keeping pretty busy.