Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tornado restoration...

Jason left on Wednesday night to head to Birmingham, Alabama to help with the restoration of power. I know he loves going on storm work and being able to help so many people's lives restore to some kind of order, but this one has me worried.
He's been on tons of storms where the destruction is HUGE (ice storms, hurricane work, etc.) but this storm the casualty count is so high. The EMS crews haven't even had a chance to go in and find everyone, but my hubby is going into these zones to hook up power. The things that he'll see there would probably blow my mind. He told me last night that the area they are in wasn't hit as hard, so there are smaller pockets of destruction. On storms like this, they don't necessarily stay in one city, they move constantly as power is restored and other areas are still without.
The storm pattern also has me concerned. The storms have been taking the same path (from the Gulf region, north, and then towards the East Coast)and I know I'll be a panicky mess if I hear of other severe storms brewing. Luckily the kids and I have a pretty packed weekend, so our minds will be elsewhere most of the time. I'll be sure to say extra prayers for all the guys working 18 hour days, that they work safe, stay safe, and return home safely when they can.

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