Monday, April 25, 2011

Mumbling Monday...

* I cannot get enough of the coverage about the Royal Wedding! I so wish I had extra money and my fear of flying was non-existent because I would be across the pond in a heartbeat. I have my DVR set to record the event, but I just might be crazy enough to get up at 4 am to watch it live.

* Rain on a Monday should never happen! It's so dreary and all I wanted to do was spend the day snuggled in bed.

* I got my volleyball team together to practice on Saturday (it was 70 and sunny, just BEAUTIFUL!) and it was so much fun. This season is going to be full of laughs and good times. After practice we went up to my Mom's to sit on her deck and visit while taking in the Lake view. I had a bit too much fun in the sun and am paying with a pretty funky sun burn line. It felt so good though to be absorbing all that Vitamin D.

* The Easter bunny brought Jojo 2 Katy Perry CD's so we've been listening to those non-stop to get ready for our concert in June.

* Jakey's first t-ball game was canceled because we got some rain the night before and the field was underwater. He was so disappointed. Hopefully all this rain we are getting this week, won't cancel another game.

* Easter dinner was changed up a bit this year. Instead of doing the whole, big dinner at our house, my Mom hosted a cookout at her house. Much more low-key and the food was just as good. Afterward, we went to my in-laws to enjoy more family time and some desserts.

* Still no work on the horizon for Jason (unless these storms turn violent) but he's keeping busy making cornhole boards. He's gotten a lot of orders, so they are keeping him pretty busy.

* My Mom and I are finalizing our weekend getaway and I'm so excited to spend some quality time with her, visiting family and a road trip. I've never left my kids for more than an overnight, so I'm pretty nervous about that. I know they'll be fine with just Jason and like his sister said, it might open his eyes to all that I do. I think it will be a good experience for everyone.

1 comment:

Sassytimes said...

You are the first person I've heard excited (or interested) in the Royal Wedding. We were just wondering last night who all this coverage is for. Haha. Guess we are just out of the loop. ;)

I'm so tired of all this rain, but it's making my house get clean as can be! Not sure why, but it makes me want to spend the day cleaning every nook and cranny so when it FINALLY does get nice outside we can just get out there and enjoy it! My poor girls though keep asking to go outside and singing "Rain rain go away..." :(